Cakes, as with many food items, require certain temperature control
and careful transportation. 

Cakes must be kept on a flat surface, either
in your passenger foot well or the boot. I do not recommend holding the
cake or placing it on a seat. Please ensure the heating in the car is off and
if it is a warm day, make sure the AC has been running for some time before the
cake goes in the car.

Avoid all sunlight directly on the
cake. Hold the cake by the base only and do not hold it against your
body. When transporting cakes, yourself, ensure they have been in the
fridge beforehand. Travelling with room temperature cake is most likely going
to cause damage. Please drive very carefully as I can NOT be held
accountable for any damages which may occur once a cake has left my possession.
Please follow my advice to ensure the safety of your cake.


To keep your cake in a perfect condition it must be stored in the fridge or somewhere cool & dark on a sturdy supportive surface and kept out of reach
of children and pets. I advise bringing it up to room temperature an hour or so before cutting and serving.

Some elements of your cake (charms, toppers, baubles, floristry wire, florals etc) will need to be removed before serving.

Tiered cakes and tall cakes will be supported with dowels and a central dowel which is
connected to the base of your board. Please remove all dowels before cutting your cake.

Once cut, wrap with cling film and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Before eating please allow your cake slices to
come back to room temperature.